Tuesday, July 21, 2015

An opinionated discussion of Rick Perry

The article written by Michael Gerson titled “Perry emerges as responsible voice” posses a refreshing point of view on previous Texas governor Rick Perry. The article commences with what could be mild passive aggression or careful praise for former Governor Rick Perry. Gerson begins by declaring that Perry has been an unexpected source of leadership. After this the article takes an unexpected turn. Gerson continues on to discredit Donald Trump and compares his politics to Know-Nothingism. After, Gerson speaks highly of Perry’s opposition of trump and acknowledges him with understanding that Trump must be discredited. He then goes on to presume that Perry has given “the best and bravest” speech of any republican candidate in his remarks at the National Press Club and to claim that Rick Perry was an adept governor; in all accounts I believe Michael Gerson to be correct. First, although Rick Perry’s comments regarding Donald Trump are opinions, they are opinions that any sensible and educated human would share. Regardless of your opinion on the senseless remarks made by Donald Trump on immigrants, it must be understood that only a halfwit would risk making such remarks and alienating an entire segment of the United Stated population when he or she is running for office and presumably needs votes. Second, although I presently do not consider myself informed enough to agree with Gerson’s claims on Perry's Speech given at the National Press Club, I will say it should be applauded whenever a politician does not shy away from the though subject of racism. Last, the fact that former Governor Perry kept the state of Texas in descent shape through the recession that began in the year 2008 should suffice as evidence for his more than proper governance of Texas. Having said this, it should be noted that Michael Gerson has been associated with the Republican Party multiple times, most notably serving as former President George W. Bush’s chief speechwriter.  This tells us that Gerson is a person that is active an engaged in politics. In addition we also learn that Gerson is educated and to some degree competent to be writing about the current presidential candidates. This could mean two things; either his remarks are completely biased and therefore should be discarded, or he knows what he is talking about and his opinion should be valued.  In the end, this article will more than likely be read by people who identify with the Republican Party but are unsure of which candidate to support; it is they who will decide if Michael Gerson is correct.

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