Friday, July 24, 2015

No more Trump

The article written by Erica Greider titled “Thoughts on Donald Trump’s Trip to Laredo” leaves much to be desired. She begins with a strong note of sarcasm in her opening paragraph proposing that Laredo would rather go back being an independent republic and be vulnerable to Mexico and Texas than to deal with Donald Trump. She then goes on to explain that Trump was not welcomed very warmly in Laredo, pointing out that neither former Governor Rick Perry or Laredo state senator Judith Zaffirini took the time to take part in any formalities with Trump; although she does provide a link to a very well written article by the Texas senator herself regarding trumps visit, I highly recommend it. From hear things take a more slanderous turn. Greider proceeds to refer to Trump as a “grotesque and repulsive clown”. She then finishes the article in a less than ordinary fashion implying that she will cover what Trump thinks about Laredo, however she never does.
First, let it be known that in no way, shape, or form am I a supporter of Donald Trump; on the contrary, I agree with most or perhaps even all that Greider said. Yet, I can’t agree with the act of writing articles such as this, especially in regards to Donald Trump. As satisfying as openly bashing, ridiculing, and insulting Trump might be it is not the answer. Doing so perhaps adds a few moments of minor excitement and pleasure to our day but at what cost. Certainly it is not worth the amount of time it took Greider to write this blog post, much less the amount of time spent by the dozens of people who read it. To conclude, although the article is dedicated to drag Trumps image a few more time through the dirt; in the end we actually give this joke of a presidential candidate more publicity. The best thing any sensible blogger, reporter, journalist, or writer can do that dislikes Trump is to stop writing about him. Ironically I have fallen in to the same mistake as Greider and many others in writing this blog post but I vow that this marks the end of it, stop giving this man more free publicity, stop getting his image and message out to the masses; let’s stop wasting our time on Donald Trump.


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